About Calvary Chapel Perry

Who We Are:
Calvary Chapel is a Bible believing, non-denominational church.  We begin our services with contemporary worship, followed by Biblical teaching.  As we go through the Bible, we do so verse by verse, chapter by chapter as to cover the entire Word of God.

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Our History:
The ministry of Calvary Chapel Perry began on New Year’s Eve 1997 when a group of believers sought on how they could serve Him with their lives.  In April of 1998, God spoke to the hearts of 2 men to begin a Christian coffee shop outreach for the overflow of youth who were hanging out on the streets until all hours of night.  A facility was rented in June and work progressed all summer until God ordained the Grand Opening to be September 18, 1998.  Within 6 months, God had birthed a young ladies’ study, a midweek study, as well as Saturday morning prayer meetings.  Jesus touched the lives of many, God’s word was shared, and His love was planted into people’s lives.  God had moved many into a season where those serving in the ministry got married and began serving alongside their spouses, which then led to the birth of the church.  Many of these families are still serving the Lord together today.

In the summer of 2001, God closed the door to the coffee shop ministry and opened the door for the purchase of a church building.  The agreement was a rent-to-own on a building that formerly held a cult.  We taught men’s and women’s studies on Monday nights, midweek Bible study on Thursday nights, and midweek prayer meetings.

God chose August 3rd, 2003, for our first Sunday morning service at 10 am.  The Word of God was taught, Christ was lifted up, and our Father drew many to His word.  Within 4 months, we needed to hold 2 services each Sunday morning to accommodate the number of people attending service.  Then, approximately 18 months later, we were holding 3 services!  It was a glorious time watching lives converted to Christ, many couples were married, and many children were born!  We were known as the “Young people’s Church”.

In the spring of 2007, we began to make plans to put a 15,000 sq. ft. addition to the 2400 sq. ft. we already had.  God had spoken to begin a Christian “School of Discipleship” which currently enrolls students K-12.  Our hope is to help mold warriors for the glory of God to further the work of His kingdom through the life-changing gospel of Jesus Christ.  God has built this ministry upon prayer and His Word. To learn more about our school, please visit the Gilead School website.

It is with gratefulness that we endure seeing it as an absolute privilege to serve Jesus Christ.  This has been His story… this is what God hath wrought at Calvary Chapel in Perry NY.

We welcome you to come out and join us as we worship and study God’s Word together.
we believe